
15:40-16:20: President speech (5 minutes for each guest, excluding moderator and concluding speaker)16:20-17:20: Interaction (60 minutes for all presidents)
Panel 1
Moderator: GEMMA Masahiko Vice President for International Affairs of Waseda University
Concluding Speaker: SASAKI Yasuko President of Ochanomizu University 下載 PDF
GONG Peng Vice President of the University of Hong Kong
Ova Emilia Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada
XU Xuejun Vice President of Tongji University
UEKI Toshiya Executive Vice President of Tohoku University 下載 PDF
Carl Michael Odulio Vice Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Diliman 下載 PDF
IKEDA Jun Executive Vice President of University of Tsukuba 下載 PDF
Kaywalee Chatdarong Vice President of Chulalongkorn University 下載 PDF
15:40-16:20: President speech (5 minutes for each guest, excluding moderator and concluding speaker)16:20-17:20: Interaction (60 minutes for all presidents)
Panel 2
Moderator: Rui Martins Vice Rector of the University of Macau
Concluding Speaker: MASU KAZUYA President of Tokyo Institute of Technology
JIA Zhenyuan President of Dalian University of Technology
OGAWA Satoshi President of Iwate University 下載 PDF
Po Kimtho Director General of Institute of Technology of Cambodia
FU Yao Vice President of the University of Science and Technology of China
TANAKA Manabu Executive Vice President of Osaka University 下載 PDF
JIANG Zhihong Vice President of Macau University of Science and Technology
Tran Ngoc Khiem Vice President of Hanoi University of Science and Technology 下載 PDF
JIN Li Vice President of Southern University of Science and Technology 下載 PDF
15:40-16:20: President speech (5 minutes for each guest, excluding moderator and concluding speaker)16:20-17:20: Interaction (60 minutes for all presidents)
Panel 3
Moderator: Lee Pooi See Vice President of Nanyang Technological University
Concluding Speaker: Reini Wirahadikusumah Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung
Christopher Chao Vice President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
TANG Qizhu Vice President of Wuhan University
KONO Yasuyuki Vice President of Kyoto University
LIU Jianya Vice President of Shandong University 下載 PDF
TAKAHASHI Aya Executive Vice President of Hokkaido University 下載 PDF
Mohd. Shafry Mohd. Rahim Deputy Vice Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 下載 PDF
UMEHARA Izuru President of Yokohama National University 下載 PDF